AGRANA Annual Shareholders’ Meeting agrees dividend increase
Date: 01.07.2011The 24th Ordinary Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG today resolved to increase the dividend for the past financial year from EUR 1.95 to EUR 2.40 per share. “This dividend increase is intended to allow our shareholders to benefit from the excellent development during the past business year”, says AGRANA CEO Johann Marihart.
The members of the Management Board, Johann Marihart (CEO), Fritz Gattermayer, Walter Grausam and Thomas Kölbl, and the Supervisory Board were discharged of their respective responsibility for the 2010|11 financial year in the course of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
In support of a further resolution tabled by the Supervisory Board, the shareholders approved an increase in Supervisory Board remuneration for the 2010|11 financial year to EUR 200,000.
Following the departure of Ludwig Eidmann, Johann Fenner was appointed to the Supervisory Board of AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG for the remainder of the tenure of his predecessor, i.e. until the end of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at which resolutions will be passed on the discharge of board members for the financial year 2011|12. The Supervisory Board of AGRANA is therefore now composed as follows: Christian Konrad (Chairman), Wolfgang Heer (1st Deputy Chairman), Erwin Hameseder (2nd Deputy Chairman), Jochen Fenner, Hans-Jörg Gebhard, Ernst Karpfinger, Thomas Kirchberg and Christian Teufl, as well as the members appointed by the Works’ Council, namely Thomas Buder, Stephan Savic, Peter Vymyslicky and Gerhard Glatz.
The auditing and tax consultancy KPMG Austria GmbH was appointed to act as the auditor for the 2011|12 financial year.